In a world where everyone tries to predict the future, we try to imagine what won't change.
What does every website, have in common?
Buttons are ubiquitous. Buttons are essential. Buttons are the bits we touch, the things we interact with, they are the literal point of contact between businesses and buyers, so why are they so often overlooked?
With Button Magic your website visitors will see wild animations when they make contact with the screen, And that, leads to positive responses and a greater chance of winning that business.
Wix has not had a button styles update for way too long, and their native styles no longer feel fresh. We felt it was time to mix it up a bit.
Introducing: Button Magic - Animated buttons for your Wix site
First up, let's deal with the price.
Button Magic will sell for $3.99 monthly
There will be 12, completely customisable effects when we launch. We're offering an early adopter price of $29.99 to get all updates, free for life. Early adopters will get future versions of the app, FREE, with no extra charges. Ever.
We will allow you to connect the button with Wix Code elements, and with third party integrations, you can do whatever you like.
Why no free version?
Well, our developers have kids who need to eat and buy VBucks.
Let's look at some pictures..